By Vivreau Advanced Water Systems
We recognize that many businesses across the continent are preparing for re-entry into the shared work environment.
If your workplace is to re-open after an extended period of shut-down, there are important procedures related to your Vivreau Water System that we strongly encourage you to follow closely. These procedures exist to ensure the continued wellness of your team and the ongoing efficacy of your equipment.
Please identify your business in one of the following two scenarios and carefully follow the procedures described.
Scenario 1
My Vivreau Water Dispenser Has Been Completely Idle for Four (4) Weeks or Longer
Here we are referring to absolute non-use, wherein the dispenser has remained untouched for four weeks or longer.
Necessary Procedures:
Please contact Vivreau Service to schedule an internal system sanitization* and filter change visit. Our team will work with you to select the earliest available date for a technician visit and discuss the most convenient time to access your workspace.
We advise you not to use your Vivreau system until this required internal sanitization and filter change service visit has occurred. You may consider placing a sign in front of your system to prevent use, or even turn off the power to the system.
The sooner you contact us for service, the sooner we can get your program back up and running.
Contact Vivreau Service at:
Phone: 1.877.999.1044
NOTE: Vivreau will endeavor to account for this unscheduled filter change and internal system sanitization service visit within your existing Service Contract, helping you to avoid any incremental service costs, however, some exceptions will apply. Please speak to our Service team for more details.
*Internal system sanitization has nothing to do with the COVID-19 virus. This is a standard operating procedure recommended when water has been sitting in the system without circulation for extended periods of time. If your system has not been idle for four weeks or longer, this procedure is not required.
Scenario 2
My Vivreau Water Dispenser Has Had Infrequent Use Off and On Over the Course of the Last Four (4) Weeks
In this situation we are referring to sporadic use, even by one or two users in the workspace, since self-isolation and office closure procedures were undertaken in March 2020.
Necessary Procedures:
Flush 5 gallons/20 liters of water through the system by continuously dispensing into a large vessel. If your system dispenses both still and sparkling water, flush 5 gallons/20 liters of each.
After flushing with water as described above, use as normal.